Crowd Cheering and chanting with turbulent rhythm Passions and Prowess displayed like an intricate logarithm End to end display- success and counter successes Glory and Trophy up for grabs so they cared less The crowd spurred them to rise and defile humanity They showed fierce, thirst, desire for the glory of invincibility Almost mid way into the quest in a twinkle it all went dead quiet The Crowd paused… Paused at a scenery they never could predict They paused with gruesome fear of a fellow human lying lifeless Paused to help but could do little as they gaze helplessly powerless Suddenly it was no longer about self gratification or conquest, Its now about humanity, hope, faith, supplication and request, The Crowd paused; they did, not because they were exhausted, They pause not because the were vanquished or exasperated, They paused because Humanity prevailed above quest for grandeur Like the Crowd we all need to sometimes pause and look ...