
Showing posts from August, 2013


I just listened to this and I thought to share... I gave my life to christ and I'm so glad I did! I wish I could tell you that because I gave my life to Him, I'm not vulnerable to any attacks but I've had all kinds of it... I mean ALL kinds and probably I would have some more. So I didn't come to Christ so I wouldn't have trouble but I came to Christ so trouble won't have me... You see the bible didn't say All things were good...all things are not good! Because what happened to you that very day it happened to you, whatever it was God knows it isn't good. ALL things isn't good but it says ALL things works together for the good of them that loved the Lord who are called according to His purpose. IT'S JUST A MATTER OF TIME! Curled from: Bishop T.D Jakes's Message titled- Its Just a Matter of Time!