"I am sorry we may have encountered some complications as the labour has been on for far too long" the doctor said. While consultations were on going, she screams in excruciating pain. Exasperated she was with little or no strength to push any further but she still kept on travailing with the hope of having her first child after 7 years of waiting in sight. Just when the doctor was concluding with her husband, the midwife in-charge came rushing in, "...he is out " she screamed with exhilarating joy and a with a wide grin on her face. Down on his knees the husband went with a huge sigh, he exclaimed " GOD IS GOOD!"

"God is good" is a phrase we can relate with and even express subconsciously, but not PAIN IS GOOD. "God is good, all the time" we usually say with little effort is put into weighing up its meaning. God's strength is made manifest in our weakness and pain. Not that God enjoys us being in pain but He sometimes let us go through pain because pain is good as it brings out the best at the end. hence, Paul wrote in Romans 8 ... All things (pain inclusive) work together for our good. In other words, even pain works together for our good. Better put, PAIN IS GOOD.

With her baby in her hand, all she sees is goodness- the goodness of God for a safe delivery. She does not see the pain as bad but good because this pain brought about this goodness. Her child makes her happy and she forgets the pain she had while she travailed and delivered. The pain is not remembered not because she suffered amnesia but because she sees and chose to see only the good, that came out of the pain. Little wonder she does not let the pain stops her from going through the process of having another child when the times comes. To her, that "pain is good".

Jesus went through the pain and suffering of the cross for our good, that we may be reconciled to God. He didn't see the pain but he saw the glory which lies ahead. Today, we see the pain, though we want the good but we don't want the pain. The pain you go through today is not just for your good but for the good of others. A man who has suffered lack would understand plenty. A man who has never suffered lack would be chasing a white elephant project while trying to console another man currently suffering lack. " I know how you feel" is a phrase we use often while consoling people but the truth is how many of us truly know how the other person feels at that point.

This present pain is not worth much compared to the gain that lies ahead. This is not only scriptural but also very true no matter how much you think or rationalize it.
There is no GAIN without PAIN they say, but I will like to para-phrase and simply say -PAIN IS GOOD!

Written by Seth Ogungbe'


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